jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

Ismael e o mergullón cristado

Ismael fixo unha persentación que está moi ben pero non debera ler tanto e mirar tanto para a pantalla.

3 comentarios:

  1. De acordo con Xacobo en que tes que mirar menos á pantalla e máis ao ´´público`` . Polo demais xenial ;)

  2. Moi ben Isma! O fixeches ben, pero concordo con Alejo e Xacobo, mirabas un pouco bastante para a pantalla! :)

  3. Art for Unfamiliar: Seclusion, your rumored sci-fi sport via Innovative Assemblage as well as Sega in partnership with He, surfaced this weekend upon video games online community NeoGAF, advising an announcement for the task can be imminent.Precisely what appears to be container artwork regarding Nonresident: Solitude, showcasing the particular series-familiar green tone, exhibits a little daughter lady in a space helmet.In the mean time, the next graphic depicts just what seems like an enormous room place sailing over an unspecified planet.A new Sega agent told GameSpot, We're not placing comments with this.The evidence pertaining to Unfamiliar: Remoteness is currently virtually palpable.

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